this week
Monday, October 26, 20095:17 AM
[ 0 comments ] Is so crazy so far!!! My grandma came from bleguim and my b-day is coming and Halloween I am so excited!! Yay!
Monday, October 19, 200911:35 PM

It has been way to long since I have posted I am soo sorry! I am currently sick I have been for a little bit so I am trying to rest up as much as i can before my birthday coming up. But Kiyoko's B-day came! We went out and went Karaoke. It was lots of fun. I love singing Barbie girl with my special Ken! Thanks! Well that is really all for now. Got to go take more meds. Hope i get well soon!
Happy b-day!
Monday, October 5, 20093:47 PM
Tomorrow is one of my fans b-day so I made him a gift! It isn't much but an IOU. I might be busy tomorrow so I am posting it now! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Bad dream T^T
3:12 PM

I had a bad dream last night. It was about my kitty Kyo! I love my baby kitty. =^-^= But when I woke up he was sleeping right next to me. He is very loving to me and is always by my side.
Car party
Saturday, October 3, 200912:50 PM
I had so much fun with all my friends. We drove on the strip and sang our favorite songs loud and proud. Even performed some wotagei in the car.
Reunited again
12:48 PM
I missed my Kiyoko soo much! We got to hang out yester. I was soo happy!
Finding myself on google!
Friday, October 2, 200912:07 PM
I decided to google search Abunai Kawaii and I found this:
I have no idea who made this but they have a lot of friends and vids of me.
Thank you who ever did this I am so happy I found a fan made site thing. XDD
~~ Aiya
New photoshoot pics up!
9:42 AM
On my myspace
My friend took the pics with his Lumix camera. They are all raw and haven't been photoshoped at all. So fun times at the park. I love going to the park with my i-pod and just having a blast!
~~ Aiya
Photoshoot and halo
Thursday, October 1, 200911:13 PM

I finally got a photoshoot today! Yay! It was my roommate who took the shots. They came out nice and I will post them on my myspace later. (I am so tired right now =.=) But I went out to best buy and walmart with the fam-damaly. I want the new Kingdom Hearts game soo bad T^T. Well The weather is getting colder now. And I love to wear beanies!!! <3>w<. I remembered.
Wow I am so tired. I will see ya tomorrow!!
~~~ Aiya