Tinier Me
Wednesday, December 30, 20096:07 AM
[ 0 comments ] I have been on this really cool site called Tinier Me! You get to make a cute Avy like a mini you and go into towns and meet alot of cool people. I hope to see you there! www.Tinierme.com! (★ ̄∀ ̄★)
Dnt 4get the blog contest I want to see some stuff before the end of febuarry. ( ・∀・)[=========ビーム!!
New year new look
Saturday, December 26, 20096:37 PM
[ 0 comments ] I am thinking of dyeing my hair this new years.... Maybe dark brown or black... What do you guys think?
Blog make over
Tuesday, December 15, 20099:19 AM
Think you got what it takes to really make your Idol stand out? Well here is your chance! New contest open desing me a banner, background, or even a whole template. The winner will be used in my blog and all other will be posted for everyone to see. You can use any and all pictures here and on my myspace www.myspace.com/idolaiya good lucky and I cant wait to see the results. XD
Photoshoot and new blog look?
Sunday, December 13, 20094:23 PM

I want to see how creative everyone is!
I am gonna have a new photoshoot and I would like you guys to edit for me to show me how moe you can make it! <3
This should be alot of fun!! o>w
Happy B-day Mei
4:12 PM

SO yesterday was Mei's (head Maid in the IchigoCafe) birthday party! XD
Me and kiyoko with the help of Zaz and Yetti made her a cake!
It was sooo cute! o>w
We failed 2 times but 3rd time was a charm ^^v
Christmas and holidays
Thursday, December 10, 20095:56 AM

When ever I think of Christmas and stuff I have to think of NSYNC's Christmas CD. It was my first CD ever when I was younger and I hear the songs every year. Reminds me of a time when I was upssesed with the holiday.
catch up time!
Saturday, December 5, 20097:53 PM

OK so black Friday was soo much fun!!! was with lots of the maids and butlers. Kiyoko wore her Yuki wig yay! We almost got hit by a shoping cart though. ///_v no fun. But really it was. XD
And anime club at UNLV is done for the semester so Christmas plans yay! >w<
Lots of fun stuff going on! Been playing lots of tekken 6 !!!!!!!! I love this game!!!!! I want to cosplay LIli so keep an eye out for that. also you can play me on my psn ~~~ godisagirl ~~~~
oh the pic is a friends Lee Chaolan wig I am gonna cut and style!
~~~ aiya