Aiya needs you~~!
Friday, March 26, 201010:27 AM

OK! So as many of you know, or don't know, idols don't make any money. We are only as big as our fans want us to be. Well I was giving opportunities to perform at ax. Not on the big stage but little things which are still in the works. But since have no job I can't afford any cosplays or even my way there. T^T. This is where I need you my fans. If you really want to see me at ax please help by donateing as much or as little as you can.
Every penny counts.I am thinking of making gifts for high donaters too like a thank you letter or singed picture. Or even cosplaying your favorite anime character. So give me some feed back and help me get to AX I hope to see you all there and Love everyone reading this.
~~~ Aiya
Soul Silver
Wednesday, March 17, 20107:36 PM

Has takken over my life!!!>///<
I am playing it all the time now!!!!
itis soo much fun! SOOO How many of my fans have this? I would love to battle everyone!
Dance dance dance till we run this town!
Wednesday, March 10, 20104:24 PM

HI~~!!! Been sooo long!!
I have been so busy with hard dances. I got lots of request so I am working really hard. Got some singing ones too and scenery ones so we will see how those goes. I am working hard on cosplays too so I hope to see everyone at up coming events.
I will be making a couple appearances in Vegas soon!! for Las Vegas super con and Momoi night fest!! I am super excited.
Let me know if your gonna be there and if you would like to see any performances just let me know! check out my twitter and my new puricute!
TTYL ~~~ Aiya