Hirano Aya Ichiban Idol!
Tuesday, September 29, 200911:30 PM
[ 0 comments ] So yeah You all heard me blab about how awesome Momoi Haruko is but I never mentioned morning musume who i saw at Anime Expo this year or my number one Idol. That is right Aya Hirano! The one who made me want to be me! back in 2007 I moved to California leaving my anime life in Las Vegas to a.. well no anime life. I thought this was it for me. My friend reminded me about The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. She reminded me so much of my life in Las Vegas and the many random clubs I had. With this I learned my first choreographed dance, The Hare Hare Yuakai. I surprisingly got my wish i moved back to Vegas 4 days before Anime Vegas's trip to Anime Expo. My friend Rich got me the tickets to see The SOS Brigade Invasion Tour. You can believe i was stocked. Haruhi had saved me from loosing what i hold dearest. Seeing Hirano on stage was amazing to me. A spark was lit. This was it my calling. In the lines I danced and sand all the haruhi songs and other "Haruhi-ist" would tell me I was Haruhi! I felt overjoyed. People were really enjoying my entertainment. After this Aiya was born.
I bring this up since Hirano had her Riot Tour and I am watching the videos on youtube. I think she is stunning. She has so many personalities she can fit into and her songs reflect all of that. From cutesy to rocker chick. And her voice range is amazing too.
I just thought I should point that out and leave you with some awesome videos!
~~~~ Aiya
I am in love!
Monday, September 28, 200912:53 PM
[ 0 comments ] With this song.
I want to duet it soo bad! omg!
Yes I am fan girling. These guys are amazing though! they sounds so great and really fit the characters.
i will work hard to perform this song in English like this!
Wotagei contest!
Sunday, September 27, 20091:17 AM
[ 0 comments ] I finally got to loading that video! yay me! I never had time to practice so I did my best! I hope you can all do better than me and if not it is ok it is just for fun! For rules on the contest see my post below on it. For now here is the video! enjoy!
Saturday, September 26, 200911:29 PM

I have been so busy looking for work to buy new cosplays for performances coming up and my big birthday!!!
My friend keeps taking the Mac laptop so i might make a video tonight of the wotagei for god knows and maybe some nightmare before Christmas song covers cuz those are fun.
But they will be bad since it will be on my Sony cybershot that got dropped a long time ago. ^^;;
Sorry everyone who keeps up with this I promise more soon! Thank you for being patient.
Just a quikie
Sunday, September 20, 20095:45 AM

I haven't posted anything in a while on here I am sorry for those who keep up with it. Well Anime vegas monthly meeting was last week that was alot of fun. We got free cake!!
Me yoru and another girl (can't remember her name but she cosplays vocaloid and vampire knight) danced to love and joy!
I also have been going to UNLV anime club! It is alot of fun saince the head maid runs it.
Also I am thinking of making a video of the full wotagei for god knows so those who want to enter the contest can learn it batter. Also since the theme of my blog is "Ai (ya) wants to hit in america" the opening song to BECK by Beat Crusaders i thought I should make a video to it. So look out for that.!
Momoi Haruko and I
Monday, September 14, 20096:59 AM
[ 0 comments ] I found videos of the concert at anime vegas! Yay! I hope you check them out and also if you didnt know my youtube acount is: www.youtube.com/user/abunaikawaii
I only downloaded thoses two to see more of Momoi's concert check out this youtube account: http://www.youtube.com/user/tentontim
Looking for wotagei (contest)
Sunday, September 13, 20093:44 AM
[ 1 comments ] Ok everyone I have a contest for you!!!!!
I want to see how many people out there really cheer for their Idols. I am not big yet but I know that I have touched a lot of fans, and I hope to continue to grow. So here is my plan. I found this video on line....
and I perform this song a lot. So I thought it would be fun if you gues would learn the Wotagei.
I am hoping to get 5 people to perform the wotagei or calls while I perform this live. Maybe at an upcoming maid event like the one by my birthday. (10-29)
And for all of those who live far away I have something for you too. If you make a video titled cheering for Aiya I will post it on here and my youtube and if you like either make a special thank you video for you or hand write you a thank you letter.
Sound good.
so lets make the deadline the day after my b-day! XD
October 30th!!
I hope to get lots of cool videos! Thank you guys for suproting me this will be a great birthday!
UNLV Anime club And good bye Oz
Thursday, September 10, 20091:44 PM
[ 0 comments ] Today I went to the UNLV anime club witch is run by the head maid for the Ichigo Cafe. She really gets around. But yeah It was alot of fun! I am now supposedly gonna cosplay Honey Cutie! That seems like alot of fun! After Unlv anime club I went with Dean (one of the butlers from Ichigo Cafe) to go hang out with Oz (another butler from Ichigo Cafe). It was Oz's last night in Vegas so we went to see Hurt Locker. It was a good movie. I also had Stone cold's Ice Cream for the first time. x3
1:38 PM
[ 0 comments ] I went and saw 9 at a sneek preview event. I thought it was really cute! There was something lacking in the movie that made it feel incomplete but overall it was a good movie. We really didnt do much that day just hung out at sonics and I went into Deans elevator in his house! XD
Anime Vegas Day 3
1:11 PM
But I got it done in time. Not like anyone noticed who I was unlike when I was Miku Hastune. But it was alot of fun none the less. I got a great video of some of the dancing going on.....
I do hope we get a room again next year. But yeah to end the day I hijacked my friends cosplay of Alto from Macroos Frontier so I had an actual coaplay for this con. I then went home and styled it XD.
Anime vegas Day 2
Tuesday, September 8, 20092:45 PM

Today was Vocaloid day!!!! I had a lot of fun draging all the vocaloids over to the Ichigo Cafe booth. But what made today really epic was I got to see momoi again. She had a Q&A pane

It was funny because when I first got there I was sitting in the back and she had something in her eye so I pulled out my compact for her to use and my buddy sitting up front beakoned for me to sit by him so I did. I asked Momoi how it felt to be an Idol and how does she feel when others tell her that they are inspired by her. Because I am inspired to become a big Idol like her one day. She was over joyed. It was so cute. She then said that I inspire her to be Miku Hastune. Again I almost cry. I was so nervous talking to her and being close to her it was like wow!! O_O
after that the day was filled with vocaloid dancing and then to the ZOMG Dance. The dance was how can I say it...Bad. They only played a handfull of anime song witch is what I love the most about DJ Jinnai but he was lacking alot. I mostly just talk to some friends till my friend told me to dance for the camera. And so ends day 2.
Anime Vegas day 1
Saturday, September 5, 200910:33 PM
This by far has to be the best day of my life. The cafe was so much fun and I met a lot of cool people but the best thing was the Momoi Haruko Live. I made her Saigo no rock maid Broomtar just to perform with in the ichigo Maid cafe earlier this year. I never expected to her in in concert. well I was wearing my maid uniform with the broomtar like in her video here.
Well I happened to have the broomtar at the concert so as she was performing aI held and she saw it. She reached out her hand and grabed my broom tar. AND PERFORMED WITH IT! I was so excited. Then she called me up on stage to perform love exe with her. alot of other girls came and then the momoi-ist.
I can't belive I shared a stage with the bigest Idol in Japan. I mean my dream is to be just like her and I was there with her. Today was amazing and just makes me want to try harder to be an idol! Thank you momoi for all the inspiration and for being you!
Anime vegas day zero
9:07 PM
Ranka Lee wig T^T
Friday, September 4, 200911:51 AM

Mei the head maid for the Ichigo cafe let me use a short yellow/kinda green wig for my maid adaptation of Ranka Lee from Macroos Frontier. It is super short so when I actually do a full cosplay of her I would liek to get a new one but for now on short notice this works. I still havent finished sharpir dyeing it though and it needs to be done my monday. Monday is out Macross Frontier day in the cafe. Mei will be Sheryl and we have a speical guest as Alto. Oh and for those that don't know, Sharpie dyeing a wig is pretty much just coloring the wig with a sharpie.
On another note today is day zero of Anime Vegas! i am gonna go as me. Yes just normal Aiya in a maid uniform. Usually I have a wig on or some kind of maid cosplay character but today is just normal me. Well I should probably eat and head there now. Talk to everyone later!
Anime Vegas Con 09 Preperations >w<
Thursday, September 3, 20095:13 PM

Wow! Anime Vegas came up fast this year and there is so much going on. We Have some big guest coming like Momoi Haruko! I am so excited to Meet such an huge idol. She is sadly second in my book of Idols I love. This is only because Aya Hirano is the Idol that made me think.. "hmm this is it. This is what I want to do. I want to be an Idol like Aya." So Aya is kinda like my hero! Hence where my name comes from. I used Ai which I write as the kanji for love with ya since I love Aya. And Momoi Haruko because she is such a huge Idol with wotagei and she has such energy. Aya created me but I want to be as known as Momoi-chan! I even worked really hard to make the call books for the Anime Vegas live!
I was up all night omg I am tired But no rest for me.
Tomorrow is Day 0 of Anime Vegas and I have alot of performances to practice. Because I will be performing for those who are waiting in line for their prereg badges. I also have alot of cosplays to work on. And a Big surprise I dyed my hair!!! Yep I am back to my natural red hair. I think it looks weird but alot of people missed my bright red hair.! I will keep everyone updated with All the Idol events and maid cafe events at Anime Vegas this weekend 5-7. I hope too see you all there at the Cashmen center. Don't forget to visit the maids in the dealers room!
About time!
4:43 PM
Hey Everyone! This is Aiya Suzumiya here. I have been really busy lately but I finally decided to do this. Alot of Idols from Japan have blogs and official sites with blogs and all I have is myspace. Well no more time to step up and take charge. So in this post I will just introduce myself and who I am. I am apart of Abunai Kawaii. AK is a two person Idol group with me and Kiyoko.

Then last there is the Ichigo cafe. Both me and Kiyoko work for the Ichigo cafe (maid cafe). We are the main performers (of course). We have been apart of the cafe for one whole year now and I know she loves the cafe as much as I do. Ichigo cafe doesn't have a set location here in las vegas yet but we are working soo hard to fufill that goal. Till then we travel to conventions and anime events. We even did a Scifi con. I enjoy every minute in the cafe.
So that is alittle bit about me and what I love. For more info you can check out the cafe at www.ichigocafe.com or my myspace at www.myspace.com/idolAiya . I hope you all enjoy this blog And i wil keep you all updated!
~~ Aiya